News & Events
Interaction Program and Award Distribution, 2073

In year 2073/12/11, Interaction Program was organized by DCN for all network theatres and it was held in Barahi Hotel, Pokhara. Representatives from different theatres all over Nepal had participated in the event, and the event was a great success. Best theatres were selected from each development region and they were awarded.
Damak Chalichitra Mandir, Eastern Development Region, Asha Chalchitra Mandir, Central development Region, Bindhabasini Chalchitra Mandir, Western development Region, Sworgadwari Chalachitra Mandir, Mid- Western Development Region and Citymax Cinemas, Kathmandu were awarded the best theatres for the year from respective development region.
Along with, Best Multiplex of the year was awarded to QFX Cinemas- Labim; Best DTA Performer of the year was awarded to Krishna Chalchitra Mandir, Birtamod; and best Movie of the year was awarded to Chakka Panja, Aama Saraswoti Geeta Devi Films Pvt. Ltd.
Interaction program with the theatre is organized once in every 2 years.